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First analysis

This command analyzes the dependencies between classes in a given path.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze <path>

The <path> argument is the path to the directory to analyze.


To obtain accurate results, it is crucial to analyze your entire codebase. If you perform a partial analysis, some nodes may appear incomplete.

Filtering results

To display only a list of namespaces, use the --only= option.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze app --only='App\Domain,Infrastructure'

To exclude a list of namespaces, use the --exclude= option.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze app --exclude='App\Models'

Graph rendering

You can render the graph of the analyzed classes using the --graph option.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze app --only='App\Application\Analyze' --graph

The color of the nodes indicates the stability of the class:

  • A red node is strongly unstable.
  • A yellow node is unstable.
  • A green node is stable.

A red edge between two nodes indicates a weak dependency.


This option generates a graph.html file in the current directory.

Target class rendering

To render the graph of a specific class, use the --target= option.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze app --target='App\Application\Analyze\AnalyzeAction' --graph


It is necessary to analyze the entire codebase and use the --target= option to target the class to render.

This will render the graph of all cascading dependencies of the target class.

You can limit the depth of the target class dependencies using the --depth-limit= option.

php class-dependencies-analyzer analyze app --target='App\Application\Analyze\AnalyzeAction' --graph --depth-limit=2

With a depth limit of 2, only the dependencies of the target class and its direct dependencies will be displayed.